Our expertise and experience is evident in the dozens of publications, posters, and manuscripts we have published for our clinical trials and research.
Clinical Trials
Patient studies in our allergen exposure chambers
Yang, S. Kelly, L. Haya, M. Albasser, N. Maybaum, M. Pluviose, K. Siddiqui. (25 Oct 2024). Poster Presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
S. M. Kelly, L. Haya, W.H. Yang. (08 Sep 2024). Poster Presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress, Vienna, Austria.
S. Kelly, L. Haya, W.H. Yang. (31 May 2024). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Valencia, Spain.
S. Van de Mosselaer. L. Haya, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang. (2 Dec 2023). Poster presented at the World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
S. Kelly, L. Haya, H. Mhemed, R. Friedrich, M. Dao, W.H. Yang. (26 Feb 2023). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Yang, W.H., Kelly, S., Haya, L., Mehri, R., Ramesh, D., Deveaux, M., Wang, C.Q., Meier, P., Narula, S., Shawki, F., Penningon, R., Perlee, L, O'Brien, M.P. (2021 Dec 28). Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2022;52:265-275.
Yang, W.H., Kelly, S.M, Yang, J., Santone, B., Karsh, J. Allergy. 2019;00:1-3.
Yang, W.H., Kelly, S., Haya, L., Mehri, R., Ramesh, D., DeVeaux, M., Meier, P., Narula, S., Shawki, F., Perlee, L., Herman, G., O’Brien, M. (2021, Mar). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Virtual Annual Meeting.
Yang, W.H., Kelly, S., Haya, L., Mehri, R., Ramesh, D., DeVeaux, M., Meier P., Narula S., Shawki, F., Perlee, L.T., O’Brien, M.P. (2020, Nov). Poster presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov.13-15, 2020, Virtual Meeting.
Yang, W.H., Kelly, S., Haya, L., Mehri, R., Santone, B., Yang, J., Ramesh, D., Deveaux, M., Meier, P., Narula, S., Shawki, F., O’Brien, M. (2020, Jun). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, London, UK, Virtual Meeting.
Kelly, S., Yang, J., Falbo, J., Karsh, J., Santone, B., Yang, W.H. (2019, Feb). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Marcelo, J., Kelly, S., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Mehri, R., Santone, B., Falbo, J., Yang, W.H. (2018, May). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical
Kelly, S., Marcelo, J., Falbo, J., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Yang, W.H. (2017, Oct). Poster presented at the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
O Pfaar, M A Calderon, C P Andrews, E Angjeli, K C Bergmann, J H Bønløkke, F de Blay, P Devillier, A K Ellis, R Gerth van Wijk, J M Hohlfeld, F Horak, R L Jacobs, L Jacobsen, M Jutel, S Kaul, M Larché, D Larenas-Linnemann, R Mösges, H Nolte, P Patel, L Peoples, R L Rabin, C Rather, A M Salapatek, T Sigsgaard, S Thaarup, J Yang, P Zieglmayer, T Zuberbier, P Demoly
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Karsh, J., Yang, J., Perrins, R., Stepner, N. (2015, October). Poster presented at the World Allergy Congress Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
Kelly, S., Karsh, J., Yang, J., Yang, W. (2015, February). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Houston, USA.
Yang, W., Yang, J., Perrins, R., Kelly, S., Karsh, J. (2014, June). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Technical Validation
Engineering research on allergen aerosolization
N. Ogrodnik, L. Haya, O. Duncan, G. El Tayech, A. Comiskey, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang. (07 Nov 2024). Poster Presented at the Canadian Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada.
L. Haya, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, W.H. Yang. (08 Sep 2024). Poster Presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress, Vienna, Austria.
L. Haya, N. Ogrodnik, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang. (31 May 2024). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Valencia, Spain.
L. Haya, S. Van de Mosselaer, H. Shakir, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang, E. Matida. (24 Feb 2024). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
F. Razavi, L. Haya, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, J. Yang, W.H. Yang, E. Matida. (1 Dec 2023). Poster presented at the World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
S. Van de Mosselaer. L. Haya, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang. (9 June 2023). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
F. Razavi, L. Haya, S. Kelly, R. Friedrich, A. Belanger, J. Yang, W.H. Yang, E. Matida. (10 June 2023). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
S. Van de Mosselaer, L. Haya, Y. Elsahli, S. Kelly, W.H. Yang. (25 Feb 2023). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Haya, L., Mehri, R.,Somers-Neal, S., Van de Mosselaer, S., Spence, A., Kelly, S., Matida, E., Yang, W.H. (2021 Oct 22). Allergy 2021;00:1-3
Oliver Pfaar, Karl-Christian Bergmann, Sergio Bonini,Enrico Compalati, Nathalie Domis, Frédéric de Blay, Pieter-Jan de Kam, Philippe Devillier, Stephen R. Durham, Anne K. Ellis, Alina Gherasim, Laura Haya, Jens M. Hohlfeld, Friedrich Horak, Tomohisa Iinuma, Robert L. Jacobs, Henrik Hugo Jacobi, Marek Jutel, Susanne Kaul, Suzanne Kelly, Ludger Klimek, Mark Larché, Patrick Lemell, Vera Mahler, Hendrik Nolte, Yoshitaka Okamoto, Piyush Patel, Ronald L. Rabin, Cynthia Rather, Angelika Sager, Anne Marie Salapatek, Torben Sigsgaard, Alkis Togias, Christoph Willers, William H. Yang, René Zieglmayer, Torsten Zuberbier, Petra Zieglmayer
Haya, L., Mehri, R., Kelly, S., Yang, J., Yang, W.H., Matida, E. (2021, Jul). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Virtual Annual
Mehri, R., Somers-Neal, S., Ogrodnik, N., Haya, L., Kelly, S., Yang, W.H., Matida, E. (2021, Jul). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy
Haya, L., Somers-Neal, S., Mehri, R., Van de Mosselaer, S., Huffman, Z., Kelly, S., Santone, D., Matida, E., Yang, W.H. (2021, Mar). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma
Van de Mosselaer, S., Haya, L., Kally, S., Yang, J., Santone, B., Matida, E., Yang, W.H. (2020, Jun). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, London, UK, Virtual Meeting.
Mehri, R., Haya, L., Ogrodnik, N., Kelly, S., Yang, J., Santone, B., Yang, W.H., Matida, E. (2019, Jun). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
Haya, L., Mehri, R., Ogrodnik, N., Kelly, S., Falbo, J., Yang, J., Santone, B., Yang, W.H., Marida, E. (2019, Feb). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual
Kelly, S., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Marcelo, J., Santone, B., Mehri, R., Falbo, J., Yang, W.H. (2018, May). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany.
Kelly, S., Marcelo, J., Falbo, J., Ly, K., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Santone, B., Yang, W.H. (2018, Mar). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.
Falbo, J., Kelly, S., Marcelo, J., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Yang, W.H. (2017, Oct). Poster presented at the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Marcelo, J., Al-Houssan, A., Yang, J., Karsh, J. (2017, Sept). Poster presented at the European Respiratory Society Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Marcelo, J., Harrison, R., Kelly, S., Al-Houssan, A., Stepner, N., Yang, J., Yang, W. (2017, March). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. JACI 139: AB78, 2017.
Kelly, S., Marcelo, J., Al-Houssan, A., Yang, J., Karsh, J., Yang, W. (2017, March). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. JACI 139: AB120, 2017.
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Perrins, R., Karsh, J., Yang, J., Stepner, N. (2015, October). Poster presented at the World Allergy Congress Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Karsh, J., Perrins, R., Stepner, N., Yang, J. (2015, June). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.
Exploratory research
Other allergy and immunology research
Kelly, S.M., Karsh, J., Marcelo, J., Boeckh, D., Step, N., Santone, B., Yang, J., Yang, W.H.. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018; 142:6.
Saade, K., Haya, L., Kelly, S., Yang, J., Santone, B., Freihaut, J., Yang, W.H. (2020, Jun). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, London, UK, Virtual Meeting.
Mehri, R.., Kelly, S.M., Yang, J., Santone, B., Matida, E., Yang, W.H. (2019, Jun). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
Mehri, R., Kelly, S., Falbo, J., Yang, J., Santone, B., Matida, E., Yang, W.H. (2019, Feb). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Karsh, J., Marcelo, J., Boeckh, D., Santone, B., Yang, J. (2017, Sept). Poster presented at the European Respiratory Society Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Kelly, S., Stepner, N., Marcelo, J., Harrison, R., Yang, J., Yang, W., Karsh, J. (2016, June). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Stepner, N., Yang, J., Yang, W., Marcelo, J., Harrison, R., Kelly, S., Boeckh, D., Karsh, J. (2016, June). Poster presented at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Yang, W., Kelly, S., Stepner, D., Marcelo, J., Boeckh, D., Karsh, J., Yang, J. (2016, March). Poster presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA.
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